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C-tree Sql Odbc Driver


Thank you for your interest in our ODBC (Open DataBase Connectivity) drivers and connectors for FairCom DB, c-treeACE and legacy c-tree and c-tree Plus data. FairCom has been providing database technology for over 40 years and our success is evident by the number of software vendors (ISVs) that have adopted our technology.

C-tree Sql Odbc Driver

The majority of these vendors have developed specialized interfaces to our database to manage their application-specific data formats, schemas, and security. Usually, external applications cannot interact with the data unless they know the schema of the database (i.e., the file structure of the database and the types of data stored in the files), which means a generic ODBC driver will not work. One of the following solutions may be available to you:

c-treeACE is a database engine developed by FairCom Corporation. Software developers typically embed the c-treeACE engine within the applications that they create and then deploy the application and engine together as an integrated solution. The most recent edition is c-treeACE V11.5, which was released in November 2017. At its core, c-treeACE uses a record-oriented, Indexed Sequential Access Method (ISAM) structure offering high speed indexing mechanisms over those files. Developers can use these direct access methods to design the data and index structures that closely parallel the needs of their application. This paradigm is sometimes referred to as an application-specific database or an embedded database because of the tightly coupled nature of the application and database. The nature of c-treeACE allows it to be used in a range of products including: embedded systems that require limited disk and memory footprint and silent operation; shrink-wrap products developed by ISVs that require cross-platform support, minimal maintenance, and mass deployment; and enterprise systems that depend on performance and more precision control of database operations than a traditional enterprise database offers. Two versions of the product are available. c-treeACE Express is freely available for development from FairCom's web site and supports only the client/server architecture. The client-side libraries are precompiled, making it easy to use for evaluation. c-treeACE Professional is licensed separately and supports all architectures and includes full source code for the client libraries and much of the source code for the server. c-treeACE is one of few databases that specialize in making data locked into legacy database architecture available to modern APIs while minimizing time, resources and risks involved in modernization projects. c-treeACE combines the benefits of NoSQL such as high performance, low latency and precise data access control, with the flexbility of SQL interfaces.

c-treeACE has a layered system architecture with different application programming interfaces (APIs) available to the developer at each layer. The lower layers have proprietary APIs that allow more direct control of data and index manipulation at the expense of added complexity whereas higher layers offer more industry standard APIs but may offer less precise control. Software developers can choose to use one API for the application or use multiple APIs concurrently.[1]

Underpinning c-treeACE is an ISAM engine. Developers can use a native C API to access the engine directly. Because the ISAM API can be used to create applications with non-relational data structures, c-treeACE can be included as part of the NoSQL class of databases.[2] Here, because the software can also be used to create databases that are in fact SQL/relational (particularly with the SQL layer discussed below), NoSQL would refer to a database offering "Not Only SQL" rather than one that excludes SQL.[3]

The client/server model available with c-treeACE uses a typical client/server database architecture. The client-side libraries are compiled into the application and then communicate with the server component (identified as the c-treeACE Server in FairCom parlance). The c-treeACE Express package that FairCom makes freely available for development via its web site supports only this model. FairCom offers licenses to the server component for both ISAM servers (supporting the ISAM and c-treeDB APIs) and SQL servers (supporting all APIs, including SQL).

In the standalone models, there is no separate server process to which applications communicate. Instead, a standalone library is built using c-treeACE and linked to the application. Data management operations are performed via one of the record-oriented APIs which then use the native runtime library routines.

Both single user and multiuser libraries can be built with c-treeACE. The multiuser support is a shared-file mode implementation where the operating system provides the locking rather than the server process. Resource contention can become an issue with the standalone multiuser model as concurrency requirements and network operations increase.

The product was originally developed by Dr. William Fairman[7] and released as the 'c-tree File Handler' in 1984. The name originated from the fact that c-tree was an implementation of a B+ tree written for the then burgeoning microcomputer market in the C programming language.

The product underwent a name change in 1990 with the release of 'c-tree Plus' version 6 and then again in 2008 with the release of 'c-treeACE' (Advanced Core Engine) version 9. Along with the name change in 2008 came the release of 'c-treeACE Express'.[10]

The following is a list of different vendors who supply ODBC drivers.ProviderProduct or DriverSupported RDBMS4D Inc. 4D ODBC Driver4D ServerACUCORP Inc.ODBC Driver for Vision DataVision DataAidAim SoftwareAccuracer ODBC Driver,Easytable ODBC DriverAccuracer, EasytableANTs Software Inc.ANTs ODBC DriverANTs Database ServerApplied Information Services UniAccess ODBC ServerUniAccess for OS 2200Arbutus SoftwareArbutus LegacyLinkFlat files, VSAM, IMS, DB2ASTA Technology GroupASTA ODBC DriverASTA ServerAttunityAttunity Connect (server)Any ODBC compliant RDBMSAugust Software Corp.ODBC RouterAny ODBC compliant RDBMSBASISBASIS ODBC Driver, BBj Data ServerBusiness BASICBiblioscapeBiblioscape ODBC DriverBiblioscape DatabaseBirdstep TechnologiesBirdstep RDM ODBC DriverBirdstep RDM ServerCincomSupra ODBC DriverSupra SQLConnx SolutionsCONNXCONNXData Direct TechnologiesConnect for ODBC DriversBtrieve, Centura SQLBase, Clipper, DB2, dBASE, Excel, FoxPro, Informix,Oracle, Paradox, Pervasive SQL, Progress, SQL Server, Text, SybaseDBMakerDBMaker JDBC-ODBC BridgeDBMakerDDH SoftwareHanDBase ODBC DriverHanDBaseDharma SystemsDoric Computer SystemsInfoODBCCISAM, DISAM, ESRI ARC/INFO Coverages, INFO DBMS & 4G/L EasySoftEasysoft Data AccessCODE, Firebird, Interbase, ISAM, Linc, Oracle, RMS, Sybase, System Z, TetraEmpress Software Inc.Empress ODBC driverEmpressENEAPolyhedra ODBC DriverPolyhedra RDBMSEnvyr CorporationInteractive COBOL ODBC DriverICOBOL Server, COBOL filesFairComFairCom ODBC Driverc-tree Server, c-tree PlusFileMaker SoftwareFileMaker Pro ODBC DriverFileMakerFirebird ProjectFirebird ODBC DriverFirebird, InterbaseFLEXquarters Software DesignQODBC driver for QuickbooksQuickbooksFrontBase, Inc.FrontBase ODBC driverFrontBaseGupta TechnologiesODBC Drivers for SQLBase, SQLHost/DB2SQLBase, DB2HiT Software, Inc.IBM DB2DB2 ConnectDB2 for OS/390, DB2 for MVS/ESA, DB2/400, DB2 for VSE and VM, DB2 UDB (UNIX, Windows NT and OS/2 servers)IBM InformixInformix Connect DriverIBM Informix OnLine Dynamic Server, SEIBM ISeriesiSeries AccessDB2 UDB for iSeriesInmagic, Inc.DB/Text ODBC DriverDB/TextWorks databasesInterSystems Corporation Cach? ODBC Driver,Cach? ODBC ServerCach?, DSM, ISMITTIARDMi, RDMixBirdstep Raima Database Manager, RDM Embedded, Velocis, db_VistaKB Systems, Inc.KB_SQL ODBC DriverKB_SQLLiant Software CorporationRelativityVSAM, ISAM, Btrieve, RMS, Micro Focus COBOL files, RM/COBOL filesMarxmeier Software GmbHSQL/R ODBCHP Eloquence databasesMatisse Software Inc.Matisse ODBC driverMatisseMicrosoft Corp.ODBC Desktop Database Drivers, Microsoft SQL Server DriverSQL Server, Oracle, Excel, Text, dBASE, Paradox, Access, FoxPro, Btrieve. DB2Nexus Database SystemsNexusDB ODBC driverNexusDBObjectivity, Inc.Objectivity ODBC DriverObjectivity/DBOcelot Computer ServicesOcelot ODBC DriverOcelot SQL DBMSOpenAccess SoftwareOpenRDA ODBC, OpenAccess ODBC SDKUnix/OpenVMS ODBC driver for SQL Server and Microsoft Access.OpenBase InternationalOpenBase ODBC DriverOpenBase SQLOpenLink Software Inc.Universal Data Access Driver Suite for ODBCDB2, Informix, Ingres, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, OpenLink Virtuoso, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Progress, SybaseOracle CorporationOracle ODBC Driver, Rdb ODBC DriverOracle, RdbPARKWAY Software GmbHConnectWareBtrieve, C-ISAM, CA-Realia, D-ISAM, Micro Focus files, mbp, VSAMPervasive SoftwareBtrieve, Pervasive SQL ODBC driverPervasive SQLPhoenix Systems, Inc.FUNDS ODBC InterfaceFUNDS System databasesPostgreSQLPostgreSQL ODBC driverPostgreSQLPOWERFlex Corp.POWERflex ODBC DriverPFXplus, DataflexProgress SoftwareOpenEdge ODBC DriverOpenEdge RDBMSR:BASE Technologies, Inc.Oterro ODBC Oterro Engine, R:BASERaining Data CorporationODBC Client DriverD3 ODBC ServerRecital CorporationRecital ODBC DeveloperRecital, FoxPRO, clipper, dBaseRELEXLinter SQL ODBC driverRDBMS Linter SQLRevelation Software LimitedOI32 Linear Hash ODBC DriverOpenInsight Sequiter SoftwareCodeBase SQLClipper, dBASE, FoxPro, Visual FoxProSoftVelocityTopSpeed ODBCClarion TopSpeed databasesSoftware AGAdabas SQL GatewayAdabasSOLIDSOLID ODBC DriverSOLID ServerStarQuestStarSQLDB2 for z/OS (OS/390), DB2/400, DB2/UDBSybaseAdaptive Server, Adaptive Server AnywhereAdaptive Server Anywhere, Adaptive Server, Adaptive Server IQTera DataTeradata ODBC DriverTeradataThinkSQLThinkSQL ODBC driverThinkSQL DBMSTimesTen SoftwareTimesTen ODBCTimesTen ServerUnity Enterprise Solutions Ltd.jdeDirect ODBCJD Edwards World and OneWorld dataXTG SystemsFirebird ODBC DriverFirebird/Interbase 2ff7e9595c


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